
Old Bridge, NJ – Oct. 24, 2016 – The Old Bridge Public Library began service of its new Outreach Van this week, dropping off new books to various locations throughout the community. The van’s initial routes include Old Bridge pre-schools.  “We’re thrilled to launch this initiative to help bring part of the Library directly to the community,” noted Library Director Nancy Cohen. “We plan on adding senior residence facilities and other housing developments to our routes shortly.” Pictured is van driver Heather Tice as she begins the van’s initial run. Facilities interested in participating in this outreach program should contact Library Marketing and PR Outreach Manager Mafalda Cavanaugh at mcavanaugh@oldbridgelibrary.org.

The Old Bridge Public Library was voted “Best Public Library in Middlesex County” by the readers of the Home News Tribune. The Library is open seven-days-a-week and is located at 1 Old Bridge Plaza at the corner of Rt. 516 and Cottrell Road in the Municipal Center. More information about this and other Library programs can be found at www.oldbridgelibrary.org or by calling 732-721-5600 x5033. The satellite Laurence Harbor branch is located at 277 Shoreland Circle; phone: 732-566-2227.
